Megan has a wide variety of skills and interests. As a child she wanted to be a farmer, as a teen she decided to go and make her farm on Mars. Today, that is still her goal. To do that will require a wide range of skills - something she is still working toward. A generalist (who aspires to being a polymath), Megan spends her time traveling, learning, and experiencing life here on this earth in preparation for going beyond it.
Journey to Mars
As a Mars One Candidate, Treasurer of the International Space Safety Foundation, and Export Control Officer for Spire Global, Megan is heavily involved in the space industry. She is keenly interested in the growing fascination in sending people to Mars
Truthian Inc
In 2016, Megan leveraged her creative skills and the business skills she learned over the past 3 years to start Truthian, Inc. The purpose of Truthian is to help artists and authors understand and overcome the challenges of getting published.
Peace Corps Volunteer
From 2009 to 2011 Megan served as am Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) in Malawi. Working with farmers and extension workers as an environment PCV.
Megan has been selected for the crewed isolation mission simulating a trip to a near earth asteroid. On October 27th the mission begins. Check out the HERA swag page to purchase items and show your support of the mission.
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